quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020

três poderes e um vence os dois

disponivel na AMAZON.COM livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha
disponivel na AMAZON.COM  livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha

Toda disputa tem um desfecho.  E Eu temo qual será o resultado da tensão entre os respectivos poderes desarmônicos cada qual com os seus recursos de poder e suas limitações.  O único poder que pode nomear e gastar recursos,  impulsionar projetos,  programas e atividades é o executivo.  O judiciário descobre seu poder de impedir mas não pode executar e ordenar gastos.  O legislativo descobre que pode paralisar a capacidade reguladora do executivo mas igualmente não pode tocar obras e custear e ordenar  atividades apenas investigar e paralisar. Como se vê quem entrou na disputa não avaliou direito seus recursos de poder.  Vai ser uma carnificina geral.

2 comentários:

  1. Every dispute has an outcome. And I fear what will result from the tension between the respective disharmonious powers, each with its power resources and its limitations. The only power that can name and spend resources, boost projects, programs and activities is the executive. The judiciary discovers its power to prevent but cannot execute and order spending. The legislature discovers that it can paralyze the executive's regulatory capacity but also cannot touch works and fund and order activities just to investigate and paralyze. As can be seen, those who entered the dispute did not properly assess their power resources. It will be a general carnage.

  2. Every dispute has an outcome. And I fear what will result from the tension between the respective disharmonious powers, each with its power resources and its limitations. The only power that can name and spend resources, boost projects, programs and activities is the executive. The judiciary discovers its power to prevent but cannot execute and order spending. The legislature discovers that it can paralyze the executive's regulatory capacity but also cannot touch works and fund and order activities just to investigate and paralyze. As can be seen, those who entered the dispute did not properly assess their power resources. It will be a general carnage.
