quarta-feira, 1 de julho de 2020


disponivel na AMAZON.COM livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha
disponivel na AMAZON.COM  livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha

vou te explicar o que é o comunismo real. Sim porque aquele que deu certo começou utópico,  depois virou anarquia e finalmente virou socialismo liberal.
Comece expropriando todas as empresas e ricos. Depois convida a Microsoft,  Dell,  IBM,  rasga as patentes internacionais, manda seus rapazes estudarem em Harvard,  Yale e UCLA depois libera reinstaura pequenas propriedades rurais, os taxistas, uberistas, cabeleireiro - mas não gay - , açougues privados e assim como padarias e  costureiras particulares; então fecha os jornais e  tv e reabre com censura . Pronto. Já pode chamar de comunista depois de matar sessenta milhões de rebeldes.

Será que dá pra pular as etapas de genocídio e expropriação e de quebra a queimada de livros?

2 comentários:

  1. I will explain to you what real communism is. Yes, because the one that worked started utopian, then became anarchy and finally became liberal socialism.
    Start by expropriating all companies and the rich. Then it invites Microsoft, Dell, IBM, rips international patents, sends its boys to study at Harvard, Yale and UCLA, then releases small rural properties, taxi drivers, uberistas, hairdressers - but not gay -, private butchers and bakeries and private seamstresses; then it closes the newspapers and TV and reopens with censorship. Ready. You can call it a communist after killing sixty million rebels.

    Is it possible to skip the stages of genocide and expropriation and to break the burning of books?

    Http: // professorrobertorocha

  2. I will explain to you what real communism is. Yes, because the one that worked started utopian, then became anarchy and finally became liberal socialism.
    Start by expropriating all companies and the rich. Then it invites Microsoft, Dell, IBM, rips international patents, sends its boys to study at Harvard, Yale and UCLA, then releases small rural properties, taxi drivers, uberistas, hairdressers - but not gay -, private butchers and bakeries and private seamstresses; then it closes the newspapers and TV and reopens with censorship. Ready. You can call it a communist after killing sixty million rebels.

    Is it possible to skip the stages of genocide and expropriation and to break the burning of books?

    Http: // professorrobertorocha
